Article 7(10)

For the purposes of this Article:

(a)  “Transit” means

  • (i)  the carriage through the Area of a Contracting Party, or to or from port facilities in its Area for loading or unloading, of Energy Materials and Products originating in the Area of another state and destined for the Area of a third state, so long as either the other state or the third state is a Contracting Party; or

  • (ii)  the carriage through the Area of a Contracting Party of Energy Materials and Products originating in the Area of another Contracting Party and destined for the Area of that other Contracting Party, unless the two Contracting Parties concerned decide otherwise and record their decision by a joint entry in Annex N. The two Contracting Parties may delete their listing in Annex N by delivering a joint written notification of their intentions to the Secretariat, which shall transmit that notification to all other Contracting Parties. The deletion shall take effect four weeks after such former notifiation.

(b)  “Energy Transport Facilities” consist of high-pressure gas transmission pipelines, high-voltage electricity transmission grids and lines, crude oil transmission pipelines, coal slurry pipelines, oil product pipelines, and other xed facilities specifically for handling Energy Materials and Products.




  • From ECT 3 [CONF 60] (01/06/93) to Interim text (25/06/94): Article 8.10 - Transit
  • From CONF 104 (Text for adoption) (14/09/94) to ECT as adopted (17/12/94): Article 7.10 - Transit